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3/18 Update from the Superintendent

Update on Returning to Full In-Person Learning

Update: March 18 2021

Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.  Frank Baum

Dear Harrison Families, 

While our schools are familiar places for your children, it will take adjusting to become reacquainted with the world they left behind almost a year ago.  While Dorothy was not in Kansas anymore, our students will return to a once familiar place, and like Dorothy, we hope they quickly remember there is no place like home.  We are so excited to welcome back each and every one of your children. Please take the time to read this entire letter, which includes the latest information about our full reopening plans for in-person instruction.

The District leadership team and principals are holding school-based meetings to share our reopening plans. These plans are comprehensive and prioritize the health and safety of students, faculty, and staff. Our planning addresses students’ social-emotional well-being and outlines a differentiated approach to support learning upon their return, and summer programs designed to ensure their success in September. 

The full reopening of schools was predicated on three factors: 

  • Vaccination of faculty and staff. Vaccinations have been made available to all faculty and staff.
  • Installation of air filtration systems. Air filtration units have been delivered, and installation will be completed by March 22 in elementary school classrooms and by April 5 at the middle and high school.
  • COVID-19 surveillance testing in our schools. COVID-19 surveillance testing is underway in all of our schools.  The District has performed 308 COVID-19 tests, and all have produced negative results.

On April 1, New York State Will Eliminate Quarantine Requirement for Domestic Travel. We ask you to consider self-quarantine.

  • We believe this decision by the NYSDOH is unwise and reckless, particularly leading up to spring break. 

  • While quarantining is no longer required for domestic travel, we ask families to adhere to four-days of quarantining and a negative PCR test before children return to school. We recommend children self-quarantine if they travel over spring break. 

  • To keep our students safe and maintain full in-person instruction, we need your unrelenting commitment to behaviors that limit the spread of Covid-19 in our community. 

  • Families may select virtual learning during April 5-9 if travel plans do not include a four-day quarantine. Make vacation plans that ensure your child’s on-time return to school. 

Schedule for Full Reopening of School 

  • All elementary school students return to full in-person instruction on Tuesday, March 23. 
    • Monday, March 22, will follow your child’s current hybrid schedule. Monday, March 22, will be a half-day of instruction; all future Mondays will be full days of in-person instruction. 
  • All middle and high school students return to full in-person instruction on Wednesday, April 7. 
    • Monday, April 5, and Tuesday, April 6, students will continue to follow their current hybrid schedule.

To help us effectively plan for the full reopening of school, if you have not already done so, please complete this survey for each child that attends Harrison schools.  The survey asks your preference for transportation,  learning model, and school food services.  At the end of the survey, you will be prompted to complete the survey again if you have another child.

Virtual Learning Option

  • The option of 100% virtual learning will continue. However, there is a change to the virtual learning schedule,  students will be expected to participate in virtual learning every day. 


Transporting your children to school reduces the number of students riding the bus and helps us maintain social distance. Please make certain that you complete the survey.

School Specific Information

Detailed information about each school’s reopening plans and protocols, including lunch, arrival, and dismissal, will be shared in an email from your building principal. 

While there will be many changes upon your child’s return, and even though they have been away for over a year, so much will be familiar. They once again will have an opportunity to meet and interact with friends, play on the playground, and participate in afterschool clubs and activities. Our faculty have missed them terribly and will welcome them back with enthusiasm and joy.

Our hope is soon your children will celebrate in their hearts and minds there is place like home


Louis N. Wool, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools

Useful Links:

Returning All Students to Learning Parent Survey
COVID-19 Surveillance Testing Consent Form
COVID-19 Surveillance  Testing Parent FAQ
COVID-19 Surveillance Testing Demonstration Video